What's Included?
Every pet that boards with us automatically receives our daycare services. What said daycare time includes is dependent upon the owner's choice and temperament or mood of the pet in question. For example, a young, energetic dog may do well playing outside in a group of other dogs, while an older dog may prefer cuddle time.
Itinerary Information
Walking times begin at 7 a.m. and occur every 2.5 - 3 hours until
8:30-9 p.m.
Feeding times occur twice daily, typically around 7 a.m. and 5 p.m.
Accommodations, within reason, can be made to best suit each individual pet.
Kennel and VIP suite styles may differ. All rooms are equipped with an intercom for soft music, and a mounted TV.
Boarding Your Dog With Us
Required Vaccinations
Must be current and given by a licensed veterinarian.
A fatal disease that is transmitted when one animal bites another. Vaccine can be administered as early as 3 months of age.
Often referred to as kennel cough, Bordetella is a respiratory infection that can be contagious amongst dogs.
Canine Distemper Combination Vaccine (DAPP or DHLPP)
This combination shot covers a variety of core viruses, including canine distemper(CDV), Adenovirus-2(CAV2), Parvovirus(CPV), and Canine Parainfluenza virus(CPIV).
For requirements to board puppies, please contact us